Sunday, September 18, 2011


Last night I also had the absolute pleasure of meeting:

But @JenFriel is awesome and she gets her own post ;)

Didn't get a chance to get pics with everyone, was too busy chatting it up, but here is one from the end of night:
Thanks to Jen's Droid Charge--makes me a little sad to not have my Droid any longer...

Thank you for a great night!!

:: I'm so glad I forced myself to medicate and crawl out of bed for this. ::

Last night was fun, completely out of my social norm to venture out to a new place alone, but I loved every minute of it--even if there were some moments of awkward silence LOL

On a side track: Social media is an AMAZING was to break out of your shell. To try things you've never tried before, and really just a great way to put yourself out there, and see things in an entirely different perspective.
If you're not on Twitter... GET YOUR ASS OVER THERE RIGHT NOW. 
You're missing out on a adventure.

And on a Sexy Men tangent: There are many sexy men on Twitter... and in a unintentional-hilariously random way--I've had the pleasure of meeting a few a lot of them in person. OMGizzle and HOLY SHIT. 
Just get on twitter.
It's fun.

That's all.