Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As many of you know I play rugby.
And I LOVE it.

Last Saturday my team played in the Cheesesteak 7's Tournament. 
Please don't be fooled by the tournament title.
There were NO cheesesteaks anywhere NEAR the pitch (that's rugby lingo for field).

Instead of cheesesteaks the fields were covered in rocks.
Resulting in the following:

Blllllaaaaa... bloody Knee :/

Not pictured is the injury I received during the last few seconds of our final game...
Stupid hard ground helped me dislocate my shoulder.
Lucky me I'm so limber...
Because the thing popped right back after it happened,
but damn if it didn't hurt like a bitch!

I'm a little tender today, but my mobility is near normal.
Now my knees... they are a WHOLE other story.
I'll have to show you a picture of them the next time I wear shorts...
I have a feeling that Saturday's injuries might result in a few good scar stories down the road.

Both a good and a bad thing.

OH! And a quick funny:
Saturday one of my twitter followers found me at my game!
She is going to play rugby for my team during the summer!
Weird coincidence and one more reason why social networking kicks ass!

OOh... and she has a blog too!
Go check it out:
The Maryland Girl
She is just getting her blog started, but I have a feeling it's going to be a good read!
Follow, follow, follow :)

and for more #Rugby fun: