Tuesday, February 1, 2011


One day, when it's my turn to visit that big place up yonder, whenever that may be, I would like to think that it's filled with all things that I love/genuinely appreciate.

For example, the follow things would greet me upon my arrival:

Every game system will be at my disposal, and once and for all I'll be able to say that I've played and conquered ALL of the Zelda games... (include the Link spinoffs in there too).

I'll have an endless supply of Boots and other wonderful shoes, all in my grande ass size 11, of course.
No ill fitting shoes allowed in heaven, ESPECIALLY not size 12's that are really meant for size 11's.
Hell no, thank you.

And most importantly, every week will be Meat Week...
Yes, I said it, Meat Week... 
Which is basically the whole reason for this post!

Holy Crap! A whole week of MEAT!
I just about died and went through the pearly gates.
I didn't though. 
BUT if I actually had the pleasure of attending Meat Week 2011 in DC this year I probably would...
from the coronary, of course. 

Are you going to Meat Week 2011?
Are there any food festivals in your area?
Any that you recommend, or that you refuse to miss?