If you kinda sorta liked these blogs, though, don't mope! Do it yourself! Some days were really dumb but others were a lot of fun (cute boys, anyone?).
So without any further ado...
Day 29: Your goals for the next 30 days.
1) Get back to work on my poor, neglected Etsy shop. With all the working I've been doing the poor thing is starving for some attention.
2) SAVE money. Not spend it.... SAVE. (I'm not shouting at you guys, I'm shouting at myself. I kinda have a problem with online shopping)
3) Learn how to play the guitar. I started a few days ago and it's going swimmingly.
4) Figure out that my summer plans are.
5) Get a haircut. My head is being overrun with hair.
6) Finish memorizing Matthew 7 and start review work on chapters 5&6.
7) Quit watching TV every night and start sewing or beading more.
Hm, that's all I got right now. I might add more later if I think of any.
Day 30: Highs and Lows of the past month.
BORING (this time I'm just shouting at anyone who will listen). I already answered this question on Day 17! Granted, that was about the whole year, but really, what's the difference? I'm not answering this question.
So instead of an answer to the question, you get a picture of me chilling in my favorite coffee shop with the yummiest cup of coffee!
On Wednesdays I go to work early and drink coffee and surf the web until it's time for work. The coffee shop is conveniently located only 2 stores down from where I work, so it's just a quick 'commute'. Speaking of work, it is 9:40, so I really should be going