Exhibit A: One time I wanted some tights. They weren't on sale. I went back a few days later. 60% off. Boom.
2) If you should happen to be so lucky as to fall in love with one of the 150 thousand things that are on sale, consider waiting to buy it. Chances are it will be even more on sale next week. If what you want to buy is only 15-30% off, try to talk yourself into holding out for a better sale. If there is only one or two left, then perhaps it would be a good idea to buy it, but if there are plenty in stock then it can be very rewarding to wait.
Exhibit B: There was a pair of black combat-ish boots that I wanted that were already on sale (they were $39). There was only one pair left in my size, but I decided I'd wait. A few days later I checked on Kohl's.com and saw the boots had been dropped to $28. I went right back over and bought them. And when I went there a few days ago, the same boots were on sale again for $22.
Good things to get at Kohl's:
-Basics (plain t-shirts, tank tops, long sleeve tops)
-Shoes, but like I said above, never buy them if they're not on sale.
-Tights. Vera Wang and Apt. 9 are both good brands.
-Super-on-sale scarves. I got a really cute blue and green scarf for $2.50 last time I went.
-Vera Wang dresses. I'm not too impressed with her top and pants offerings, but her dresses are to die for. Usually they're around $40, which is reasonable for a brand new designer dress.
Bad things to get at Kohl's:
-Anything from the Junior's section. Avoid it like the plague.
-Purses. The cute ones are all ridiculously expensive, even on sale, and the cheap ones are just ugly.
-Make-up. I haven't tried much of it (got an eyeliner there once that was pretty awful), but it is really expensive and is one of the few things that never seems to go on a decent sale.
-Anything with a celebrity's face on the tag. If Britney Spears likes it, you shouldn't.
-In general (there are always exceptions), their stylized tops are pretty not-good. Shop for your statement pieces somewhere else.
-Jewlery. Unless you can find something good on the super marked down rack, don't get any. It's extremely overpriced. As someone who know jewelry construction and materials, please trust me when I tell you that most of it isn't worth the money.
Happy Shopping!